Hunter was lucky enough to get my chins. All of them. LOL. This shot definately highlights the chubby chins I love to smooch so much. 

This begins to show off how much of a Schiester (nice term for "little shithead") my Hunter is. I'll glady tell him when he's older. He's going to give his mother a heart attack at 30, if not sooner. He's wild. Really wild. Example: Today I found him the liquor cabinet. You say, "Lock the liquor cabinet, mom!" I say:
it is child locked, and a huge heavy chair was in front of it. He moved the chair, busted past the child lock, and broke and spilled a whole bottle of Tequila. Yup. Where was I whent this happened, cleaning up the wine rack he had tipped over in the kitchen moments earlier. The other day he also broke apart the fake logs in my fire-place-like-space-heater. I can't make this stuff up. Let me remind you he won't even be 11 months until the 10th of this month. I nearly passed out from shock of the tequila incident. I almost vomited from the smell. I had to get a huge approximately 10 x 13 rug soaked in Jose Cuervo out from under our massive dining table and into the basement by myself. When the weather is right, I'll be out on the lawn srubbing the tequila out of it. This baby keeps me on my toes.

Aww... he looks so cute taking his new little steps. He's walking all over now.

Hunter loves to look at the birds at the front window. He can't climb the couch, but he comes really close when he tries. He watches the tree, and squirrels contently. I took him with me to Wild Bird Unlimited the other day and he was captivated by a video of a squirrel dangling from a dried corn cob on the spring. I have to go back and get one of these squirrel feeders, they were very entertaining!

My favorite part. Stinky lil' toes.

Playing with Daddy. They have an awesome relationship. Last night dad put Hunter to sleep in his arms while he watched the Cardinal game. So cute.
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