All Day Play
No shortage of play here. That's for sure. While Theo was at reserves yesterday Ben and I played while Hunter napped for two hours, then Hunter and I played while Ben napped for 2 hours. Then, we all played together until dad came home. I did spend the first 4 hours of the day 5-9am cleaning like a fool. The kids hate when I clean. They get somewhat ignored, and it drives them mad, so I had to play with them all afternoon. Rather play than clean anyway.

Hunter and I played in the sand, and played with the ball. He repeatedly said "Bah" when I tried to get him to say "ball." That's possibly a word for him. So cute.
Check out how Hunter reacted to the neighbor's lawnmower. Hilarious:

Love how good at standing up and walking the littlest one is getting. He stood up without holding on to anything yesterday. I was surprised. He's determined to pass-up his brother. The faster he moves, the more likely that becomes.
I also put away a dozen stacks of laundry yesterday afternoon. To accomplish this task I have to put the boys in Ben's room and close his monster sized gate. During this time Ben picked out his own outfit. I planned on leaving him in his jammies all day? So? Well, he wanted to wear his "Thomas outfit." Aunt Bonnie picked up his adorable et of overall shorts. I still had them on the hanger with the tags b/c we've only had 1-2 shorts days this year. Ben removed the tags, and the hanger, and handed it to me, and said, "Mom, I wear Thomas outfit." Okay, dude. I said, "Sure, you can wear your Thomas overalls." He looked at me and asked, "Not outfit?" I figured out he was trying to learn what to properly call them. What 2-year-old cares about this? I explained that, yes, it was an "outfit" but the "type of clothing" it is can be called "overalls." I have these moments when I feel like I'm teaching 4th grade with him. Cracks me up.
1 comment:
Hi, Jamie! We had so much fun on Friday-- I am up for hanging out again ASAP-- you tell me what's good for you guys. We're flexible MWF every week. Love your new title picture, and the story about Ben's outfit v. overalls is really really cute. He's a smarty pants. Love the way he gets ready to get out of the stroller-- I've never met a 2 year old who plans ahead!!
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