Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Butterflies Everywhere

I must be doing something right in the flower beds because yesterday afternoon we stepped outside to play and were seemingly swarmed by butterflies. They even landed on me? I was wearing orange? The boys were thrilled! Ben got in close for a week, and Hunter even reached out and tried to touch them. Some of the butterflies let me get up close enough for pictures, and I didn't have to zoom. Just awesome. I was giddy, like a toddler myself.

Some pretty flowers blooming for those Butterflies to feast on:

One of the bigger Dahlia is going to open today!

Marigolds and Squash are growing well...

This hanging basket is filling in... the other is slower going. I doused them with Bloom Burst last night. I'll show them.

What is this? I have to go get my labels. I planted it last year. Sure is pretty...

Peach Melba Nasturtium (from seed):

I'm just way too excited about these black hollyhocks. They are so cool. I sprayed some bug stuff, and it seems to already be helping. I'll hit em' again soon.

These plants were here when me moved in. I think they are milk pod plants? They ooze with a sticky white substance when broken, or cut in anyway. The first year I thought they were weeds and tugged them out--what a mess! The flowers are very fragrant, sweet, and rather eye-catching if you ask me. I love them. Butteflies do, too.

First Bell Pepper of the season. Yummy. This is big for my garden. A good sized home grown green pepper, if you ask me. Especially for June.

Ben finally got into the Tee-Pee! I didn't prompt him at all, I was chasing after Hunter and Ben yelled, "I'm in my Tee-Pee!" He then wanted to go in the house and play with his little cowboys and indians. Progress.

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