Monday, March 19, 2007

Our weekend...

We had a very productive though still relaxing weekend here. We did the bi-weekly grocery trip to the SuperWalmart and also stopped in at Menard's. I picked up some paint for a couple rooms in our home that need new paint. I'm still officially undecided on which rooms will wind up which color, but I picked 3 great semi-neutral colors that blend with the other colors in our home. If I painted right now the bathroom would be Herb green (bottom), The kitchen-Aged Amber (middle), and the living room Bulgar Wheat (top). We'll see what happens. I plan on painting in the next week or two here.

Theo fixed a leaking pipe below the kitchen, which put an end to the shop-vaccuuming we were doing 3-4 times a day. Theo nearly puked when the sludge from the pipe hit him. The scent was God-awful. Thank you, Theo, for trying and doing such a kick-ass job. Theo also installed a new ceiling fan in the kitchen. Auntie Di and Uncle Tom gave us the fan a while back, they did not end up using it in their home. The fan looks great. Pictures to come when we get the other two lights installed, and the ceiling painted. Thank you Daum's!

Theo and I squeezed in 3 movies at night this weekend, too. On Saturday night we watched Borat. Laughed outloud a lot, and was slightly appalled but still laughing at the nude scenes. Funny movie. Out there. Theo said I was talking like Borat a little yesterday. Funny Jamie. We finished Saturday night with a new favorite of mine (Leena, see this movie, you will like it): The Holiday. I happen to love Kate Winslet. I was in love with her character's cottage in Europe, and even more in love with her brother, played by Jude Law. I had never seen Jude Law in a movie, and this may have even been my first Jack Black flick, too? I don't remember. Nonetheless, see this movie. I loved it. Great love story with lovely little surprises and eye candy. Finally, on Sunday night, Theo watched Flags of Our Fathers. I don't do death in movies very well anymore, especially war movies. I listened-in while I scrapped beside Theo. I watched enough to know it seemed like a great story that needed to be told. I learned a little about Ira Hayes (sp?). Was impressed with the acting. Theo said Clint Eastwood is one of hell of a director. He really enjoyed it.

I got out in the garden on Friday and installed a gazing ball in a statue we have out front. I used crafters floral clay to provide some stability to the ball, and it turned out nicely. The statue had killed many plants over the years with poor drainage, low light, and little growing room. It was just calling for a gazing ball!

Friday night I stitched some floral fabric on the curtains in our dining room. I picked up the fabric over a year ago with the intent of lengthening the curtains. They turned out just how I wanted them too. Simple. I can't sew very well. Not a lot of straight lines. But I get things to stay together, I guess that is all that matters. They're only for my house anyway!

Not much else went on here at our zoo. Time spent together. I read Ben back-to-back a whole collection of Elmo books from Tony and Uncle Jason. We tried to teach Hunter words and walking. Good quality time.

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