Monday, March 19, 2007

Milestone kind of weekend:

Hunter figured out how to load his train full of toys, and push it to make it go. He gave his phone, and some other gadgets a ride all by himself.
He's perfected his travelling skills. He frequently let go and stood with no hands. He's on the brink of his first unassisted steps for sure now.
He's getting more teeth, too. And he says "mamamama" sounds now.

This a great milestone for Hunter! He figured out to put the peek-a-blocks in the giraffe! The giraffe chimes and plays a little tune when the block falls, and of course, mama cheers really loudly.
This block is even in mid-air. Hunter loves to throw things. Gotta love this time in a baby's life. Everyday is significant. Changing so fast.

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