The back of our yard was blessed with a line of lilacs we love, but over the year a few of the less mature lilacs have not grown as fast. We've even lost one. I wanted to fill in the spaces between the lilacs, as well as put perrenials and shrubs in the foreground. I took these pictures tonight, mostly for myself, so I can document what I planted where, and account for what's doing well in the spring. I have been out there working as hard as I can as often as I can. With all this rain, it's been kind of a joke... I've fallen in the mud twice, broken my sandals, been literally stuck in the mud, and been eaten alive by mosquitos. This has been a taxing endeavor.
The pictures go from the side of the shed first, the far left side of the back of the garden. This is the least complete section. I still have to rip out some sod, till the soil, and move many of the plants towards the back. It definately doesn't look like much right now, but I'll hopefully be able to use these as "before" pictures by next fall.
Here I have: mums, iris, hydrangea, joe pye weed, coral bells, hostas, daylilies, hollyhocks, bee balm, sedum,
I transplanted at a very rough time, many of the plants were past there peak, and are beginning to re-grow now. They look pretty rough... there are 4 sage in the fron here, a russian sage, my first grass, some recently-divided phlox and daisies... among others.
This is our path to get to the back of the yard. There will be an arbor here as soon as I can afford one. I have put in a Iceberg Climbing rose here, found on clearance, and already 4 feet tall. I am thinking I'll make a trellis out of rebar and chicken wire, something different... we'll see. It will be hand made, for sure. Also pictured here: iris, painted daisies, lamb's ear, primrose, sedum, mums, black-eyes susans, bellflowers, columbine, phlox... more.
Goldenrod, cardinal flower, sweet william, mums, daisies, bachelors buttons, iris, more...

Here is the part-sun portion of the garden, containing astilbe, azalea, coral bells, hosta, sedum, foxglove, and more. I plan, when the budget allows, to put in a couple blue hydrangeas back here next.

The other side of the tee-pee, this white lamium is my favorite find this month.
Gourd vines are growing up the tee-pee.
I have not neglected the back of the shed... here we have hosts around the compost pile.

I plugged in some divided daisies and coral bells here today, too. Like I said, doesn't look like much now. I'm so addicted to dividing plants!