Thursday, August 2, 2007

Back to the Fair to see "The Legend"

This guy tried to guess Jason's weight. He joked, "Mom's a good cook." We laughed. He missed it by a long shot. He then tried to guess Theo and Hunter's combined weight, and he came withing a few pounds, but they still got a prize. Not bad.

Uncle Jason won Hunter this puppy... by the end of the night the boys each had two stuffed prizes.

I was at the fair, too... see my cowgirl boots?

Ben had his face painted with the American Flag, or "Our Country's Flag," as he says:

Theo even took Hunter in the Haunted House:
Stubborn pigs squeeling at me like I had their slop or something?

Here is the reason we went to the fair: George Jones was playing. We sat on the lawn on a blanket and watched him singing for hours. Except for a some drunk white trash in front of us, who kept yelling, "stand-up for the legend" when we asked him to sit down the disabled people behind him could see the show, (asshole!), we had a great time. George was awesome. Hunter was tired, but Ben danced and had a good time

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