Friday, October 12, 2007

Where are we headed with abunch of my grandma's roses? The Tuckers house in Carlsbad!
I went to CSULB with some pretty amazing women. Now three of us have kids (another, Leanne, other has a rockin' job, and another, Ayesha, has a romatic husband who treated her to a weekend getaway, so she could not make it). Leanne April, Caralyn and I were able to plan a night to get together and eat and drink and introduce our kids. Good times. And very lucky, since April lives all the way up in Sacramento now!

As soon as Hunter met up with Leila he kissed her! What a little stud.

Hunter also went to cuddle with Grant.

Ben, Hunter, and Ike investigate the TV and it'a components.

This beauty is Sallie May, Caralyn and Rob's dog. I love that they named her after the student loan people. LOL.

And this adorable peach turned 1 on the day we visited!

Caralyn is such a beautiful momma.

I've already tried arranging for Leila and Hunter to marry. LOL. Isn't she the most adorable lil' girl. When she arrived Caralyn and I shrieked, what a cute headband. You could tell we are the mothers of boys!

Hunter ran crazy around the whole house.

We laughed that this was how mom's double fist it. I much prefer two handsome boys to two beers at once. Now, wine, maybe I'd pick wine over two kids. Yeah. I would.

Grant had preschool that morning, so he was a sleepy man.

Reunited. I went to graduate school with these ladies... they are some very special people.

Ike knows this pretty lady Leanne loves his attention.

Leila and Hunter played this little "lock Hunter in the cabinet game" over and over.

A delicious dinner outside. Thank you so much Caralyn!

A very, very wonderful evening. Thank you so much Tucker family, and thanks April and Leanne for making the trip!

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