The County Fair: Randy Travis
This evening we went to the local county fair. We love our fair, it's the best. They always have the greatest performers (Rodney Adkins, Trace Atkins, George Jones, Josh Gracin, Ronnie Milsap, Lady Antelbellum, Jason Aldeen, just in last 3 years), the rides are clean, nice, no waiting, the range of food they offer is nice, the bathrooms are accessible, the animals are amazing, the people are nice. It just doesn't get any better!
They had this huge cornbox the boys played in forever. Hunter had corn in his diapers, and Ben's pockets were loaded.

These bunnies make me feel less bad about my chin.
To the bleachers to eat corn dogs.
This is a booth advertising a local taxidermist. He had a stuffed

Hunter was the happiest I think he's ever been on this ride. True joy in his rig.

Hunter was the happiest I think he's ever been on this ride. True joy in his rig.
I've liked Randy Travis since I was about 10-11 years old. I can remember hearing him on the radio, his deep voice stood out. I did some searching to find out who he was, and from then on I could always recognize him. He was amazing live! We didn't get to stay for the whole show b/c the boys were tired (exhausted actually), but we saw enough of him to make me happy!

You do such fun things with your boys - all 3 of them. I think it's great that you all have such a good time together.
Love the pic of Ben flying thru the air!
Hey-- cute pics and I tagged you for a meme!
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