Monday, November 26, 2007

Black Friday & our weekend

I braved the Black Friday crowds. I saved a ton of money, didn't wait in any big lines, and found everything I set out to find. Miraculous, I know. I put a huge dent in the Christmas shopping, too. I went into the mall first, finding a 2GB memory card for my digital camera for $14.99, and some red moose jammies from Boston Store for myself. I also found some goodies for Theo's mom, too. I also went to Toys R' Us and Target to find presents for the boys and Joey. I'm almost done with all the shopping!

This weekend we put up most of the Christmas stuff, too. The yard decor needs a little repair, so Theo took it into work so a Christmas-light expert he works with can fix em' up. Here is our tree; I can't believe I usually have about 300 glass Christmas balls on this tree, in addition to what you see here. No glass this year. You can guess why.

One of my Black Friday scores was these jammies from Gymboree. I always like the boys to have Christmas jammies, and this year, these were THE ones I had to have. Aren't they cute? They are extra happy eating a special cocoa puffs treat.

We've got the sing-along Christmas CD in the kitchen player, the spirit of Christmas is kicking here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ugh, you remind me I need to get a tree. I love Christmas, but its so odd it is 93 degrees and its only spring, and yet Christmas is a month away! I heard the little drummer boy in Target and flipped out--it just doesn't feel the same without the bitter, bitter cold of Chicago! Ah well, I supposed I will have to deal with a Christmas BBQ on the beach instead of the traditional meal!