Thursday, February 22, 2007

Theo's home

An update on Theo: he came home earlier this week. He has been spending most of his time on the couch resting. His back hurts like hell. His neurologist said he has a blood clot to the right of his spine. We are rubbing it and he's been on/off a heating pad all day. He ate pizza for dinner! Because he bit his tongue all the way around 3 times during the seizures, most things he can consume are not solid (ice cream, yogurt...), so the pizza and sandwich he ate today are a big deal. They still do not know what caused the seizures, but he's on medication to prevent them from occuring again. No driving for 3 months (neighbors are taking him to work), no alcohol for a year (not even in medicine), and no swimming or heights. We'll know more when we know what happened, if we ever do. That's the update. Thank you so much for all your well-wishes.
PS: Ben is showing off his mur-ples. (nipples). He does this. Funny kid.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Welcome home, Theo! We're rooting for you from down under, and enjoying the many adorable baby pics in the mean time.
Seriously, Jamie. If my kids are not as cute as yours, we're gonna have to trade.
Love you both!