Nothing too eventful going on around the Rex household this week.
Saturday we got a phone call from LEARN, a labrador rescue company that takes dogs you can't keep but do not want to send to the Humane Society and risk having them put to sleep. We called the people at LEARN weeks ago to see if Tex was a candidate, and they came and said she qualified, but they did not have room. This week a lady in our area had a space available for Tex. Tex was proving to be a challenging dog, and we thought she needed a home where someone could give her all of their attention. In the last few months since we acquired her she has had a problem puking up her food; we think we fixed that problem with the latest food we tried, but she has also been counter surfing--if we leave a single dish in the sink with any food residue in it she gets it and breaks the dish, crashing it to the floor in search of food. I once had our crock pot soaking before I could wash it, and she pulled the whole darn thing on the ground making a HUGE mess. She also hovers non-agressively over the kids when they have food or snacks, and it drives the boys nuts. In addition, she's been chewing the boys toys, wooden puzzles, and my childhood rocking chair. I just thought Tex deserved an environment where she could be herself. Saturday we surrendered her to the LEARN lady, and we hope she finds a nice new home.
As you know we were all sick last week. Theo came home from MN on Thursday night and took Ben to urgent care Friday morning; B's fever just would not break. The docs said he had a little bit of pnuemonia, they kept him there for 4 hours until his fever broke, and they gave him a shot on antibiotics. They said he'd be back to his old self in 24 hours. He was still mellow Saturday, but by Sunday he was rockin' again. Today he's really had his energy and spunk back. Good to see, but... these two boys are just a handful lately.
I think we all have some serious cabin fever. This winter seems to be never-ending. They are forecasting another 4-8 inches of snow tonight (remember we shattered the record weeks ago). I have been thinking about it, and it seems like there is always a thaw, a day where it's 50 and we can go for a walk, like once in January... or even February, and here are mid February and no big thaw in sight. Not a warm day to speak of. I just want to go for a walk outside! We could if it was above freezing like today, it was 36 I think, but the boys are just getting over the cold, so I would not want to risk it. I can't believe I started seeds this week, it is less than 11 weeks until I can safely plant tender plants... and yet winter looms heavily. I can normally hang with winter, but this one is particularly rough! I don't think Hunter knows there is a such thing as grass under all that white stuff. LOL. And I sure as hell can't imagine that my bulbs should be coming up in a month? How? What happens when there is so much cold and snow?
Anyway, like I said, the boys and I have cabin fever. See, things seem pretty peaceful here. Give it a second.

Hunter pounces on Ben.

Hunter's mischievious grin.

He gets naked. He climbs everything. He throws all the contents of our shelves on the floor. 
Aww.. but doesn't he look so cute giving Laura some love.

Ben hops in the picture, and as you can see, smooshes Hunter's head?

Ben's been sucking his thumb again, mostly b/c he is sick, but we're really trying to break him of this.

Look at what his nasty little thumb looks like from all the sucking. Ick.

Ben tackles Hunter.

Tries to love him, but Hunter does not recognize the nicety and cries abuse.

Hunter soaking up Barney. Love his morning hair here.

A pout I could eat, I swear.

He's scheming here.

The adventure begins.

He dumped all his Cheerios on the floor, but look at the cute hat he scored.

Have a great week everyone!