A week in the life.
A few weeks ago I mentioned a scrapbooking project called A Week In The Life. I took pictures and notes during the last week of October to complete the project. I love the idea of looking closely at the daily, the everyday stuff we do around here. I thought I'd share some of the pictures I took that week, and later, I'll share the album when I complete it.
Here, Ben wraps my scarf around his body and calls it his soldier uniform.
My office, as I found it one day that week, ready for the creative process. This space is organized, but never uncluttered.
Boys watching a movie, snacking.

I put out my vintage-looking black cat collection that week, too. There are a few in this shot of our dining room.

Wii carnival games ring toss, rented from the local movie store.

The men play wii.

The cats cuddle up at the foot of our bed.

Hunter was sick this week, with a double ear infection I later learned. Here, he cuddles me. I used the timer to get a few shots including myself. I had the camera near me and I put on the timer, pushed the button, and slid it down it down the table.

Dad and Ben.

Fall colors on a drive up to Madison.

Ben started his "responsibility chart," a board made of a dry erase-like surface with a dozen categories, such as "pick up your toys," "share," or "brush your teeth." Ben has to maintain all his magnets at week's end, so, for example, if he doesn't share well with his brother, after one warning, I take a magnet. For each category he keeps all the magnets in he gets a dollar store prize, usually pencils, plastic dinosaurs, stickers, etc. This particular week I found this Army costume for $1, and after bath time we did rewarded him for his chart.

Hunter chillin'.

One night, after Theo came home from a month of training with his unit, he brought an extra MRE, or Meal Ready to Eat. The topic came up with my brother Jason, and Theo was quick to let J try an MRE for himself. I took a few nibbles also, and it was gross. For sure.

Me driving the car.