Sunday, January 11, 2009

Santa's at Bass Pro!

Before my mom made the flight out to see us she visited her local Bass Pro in CA, and found the most delightful little Santa's villiage. She insisted I look online to see if the Bass Pro near us offered the same things, and I found it did. We went straight from the airport to Bass Pro, and we weren't sorry we did. The kid had their own shooting gallery:

Ben told Grandma to buy this for him. LOL!

Hunter loved this train table.

A different shooting gallery in Santa's area.

Taxidermy galore as we wait for Santa.

We had a long, long wait for Santa and Hunter fell asleep in the cart.

Finally! Santa!

Santa told the kids to go write him a letter at the table. Ben was so excited.

Then we put it in his mailbox.

We headed out into the mall to ride the train afterward.
We shopped for hours, and hours, too. All-in-all a fabulous trip to see Santa.

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