A Very Haunted Halloween
I love Halloween. I love the colors, the temperatures, the excitement, the spooky wonderfulness of it all. Luckily, having kids allows me to indulge my own haunted fantasies, decorating my home from top to bottom, crafting green sparkly goodness, carving pumpkins, baking, and more.
This Halloween we had our friends Casey and Ben over, with their children McKenzie and Evan (who you may recognize has borrowed Hunter's old Nemo costume, and rocks it equally adorably).
No surprise Hunter went as Buzz Lightyear. Grandma Anita sent him a new costume, replacing the one he lost (how can a kid his age actually lose something, permanently?). She also sent light up goggles and a talking space pack with wings. One happy kid!

Ben waffled from being Woody to Spiderman. He was set on Woody, but Grandma sent him a Spiderman costume he had requested. Upon receiving the package he explained to me that the costume would enable him to climb the walls. He was geniunely excited to get Superman powers. He was slightly crushed when I had to explain to him that he would not be on the ceiling anytime soon.
We always stop at the fire station for candy and a hello. This year one of our neighbors had their dogs, ginormous great danes, in costume for the kids to see. The one of the left is wearing fairy wings. How funny is that?
Nemo gets a ride from daddy.
Hunter was priceless, after saying "Trick or Treat" he would look at the candy he was given. If he didn't recognize it, he'd get curious. "What id dis?" 'What id dis kind?" And he'd stand and wait for an explanation.
One of our favorite houses on our journey always takes the time to carve these giant jack-o-lanterns with some wild themes.
Barely containing their excitement!

Casey and me:
I could hardly wait to get back around to this house across the street!!! Look at the freaky guy n the lawn!
Giant haunted goodness. I love our town!
In this haunted drive way, the kids, except Mckenzie, absolutely loved getting freaked out! First we had to pass through this blow-up Haunted House:
Then, after you got candy from the porch you had to pass a zombie, and then a guy with a mask and chain saw would jump up from behind. Ben loved it!
This guy popped up out of a coffin next...
And death was waiting at the exit.
Many of the houses had people in masks just handing out candy. So awesome to see the kids reactions to all the different types of spookies.
Finally, the house I was waiting for! they had a stobe ligh on the house, a man on the roof with a bat on a string attached t a stick so he could scare you... and people hiding in the bushes with various masks on. Candles burning all over the porch, and the homeowner decked out in a cool outfit, too. Awesome!
I wasn't able to carve as detailed designs as I usually do, as one of the worst symptoms of my Fibromyalgia is the pain from pinching my hands together. Here are some photos of our pumpkins at home:
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