Valentine's Day is just another wonderful excuse to get the kids candy and dollar store treasures, the way I see it. I found tons of activity books (Ben's current obesession), new big fat crayons, some puzzles, Diego spinning tops, socks, Buzz Lightyear goodies, and a nice Bear's hat for ben on clearance. My mom also sent a box of candies, Valentine's Day cards, hotwheels, moster trucks, and classic cartoon movies including Felix and Gumby. The kids were delighted, and occupied for most of the day.

H loved his stickers of Buzz!

Ben got Batman and Spiderman goodies.
The boys and daddy got mom a heart covered coffee mug, and small cuddly bear. Also, Theo spoiled me, and got me Nina Ricci perfume and a scrapbooking die-cutting machine called the "Slice!" This week we happened to finally get our paws on my Christmas present, too, a wii fit. So spoiled, and so excited. I love the machine, the perfume, and the wii fit. I couldn't be happier, or more occupied.
Daddy got a huge frame full of pictures of the family for his office. He's not had updated pictrues at work in some time, so this was the perfect time to fill up one of those frames with a matt that has multiple holes.
In addition to tons of dollar store goodies for the boys, and candy and treats from Grandma Anita, Theo and I also managed to get some time alone. This Valentine's Day marks 8 years since the day we met! We wanted to acknowledge that, and take some quiet time together at The Cheesecake Factory near Milwaukee. Alyssa was nice enough to wacth our wild children for a few hours, thank you so much.
Aren't we cute?

I love you baby! Thanks for lunch!
After lunch we came home, we cleaned the house, and had our friend Ben and Casey over with their kiddos. We played wii, scrabble, knitted while the man played poker. It was sooo nice.
Later, Jason and Alyssa returned from their dinner date and announced they are engaged! I have a sister! Very exciting stuff, folks. Congratulations to the new couple.
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!