What could have possibly kept me from blogging for almost a month? A lengthy extended vacation to California, of course. We dropped our beloved Laura Lu Jane off at her auntie's house in Chicago, and the nest day we headed west, bound first for Sacramento. We left in the wee hours of the morning, and our first pee stop was at the Iowa-80, World's Largest Truckstop. Daddy took Ben in to pee, and momma and Hunter snacked, and people watched.
They renovated the WLT, and we were impressed. So clean, and they have everything a roadie could need. My bathroom stall had dog trivia painted on the walls artistically. They had Iowa artifacts on display inside, and souveniors galore.
Hunter begins to mess up the once clean car; he's covered in crumbs.

Here I'm watching the boys in the rear view mirror as they tire for their afternoon nap.
Iowa road:
Mid afternoon I sample a food I normally pass-up: Combos. I was so hungry at the time, I decided combos were good enough to count as a balanced meal.
Dad clears bugs from the windshield, and I snap a picture b/c I love him.

We stopped for the night in Lincoln, Nebraska, and are dinner at the speechie-stop, Great Scott's. It's a little cafeteria that sells a few different types of food. We slept at the country's cleanest Motel 6. Seriously, this place is immaculate, colorful, and brimming with hospitality. When we're only stopping for the night to sleep it doesn't matter too much where we're crashing.

I'm trying to do these posts with as few pictures as possible, so many, many more to come. :)