Wednesday, September 5, 2007

September in the garden:

By the time I we return from vacation the garden will likely be done with it's show... and ready for a killing frost (mid-october). I have been trying to get the most out of the garden while I still can, so I'm about to bore you with more pictures of the pretty things outside right now.

I have moved all of the coleus to individual pots so it can be brought in the house. I love how this looks on the front porch.

Ever seen bees sleeping? They sleep under flowers all over my garden until the sun comes up.

This year I really let the trumpet vine do it's thing... there are several clematis in here, too, but not in bloom:

This gourd vine has taken over the tee-pee, and I love it. I filled in all around the teepee with hostas, coral bells, lamium, and astilbe:

I removed nearly all of the perennials from the rose beds, and the roses have responded incredibly. This is like a whole wall of roses...

Roses are blooming again:

Toulouse Lautrec

Kordes Perfecta
Zinnias galore:

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